
Diablo 2 assassin cobra strike build
Diablo 2 assassin cobra strike build

diablo 2 assassin cobra strike build

Charges are "shared" between charge-up attacks so the first attack will apply a stage 1 effect and generate 1 charge, the second attack will apply a stage 2 effect and generate 1-2 charges, and the third attack will apply a stage 3 effect before the charges are reset and the cycle repeats. Charge-up attacks immediately apply the attacks' effect of the appropriate stage (1-3) and generate charges until the character has that many charges of the attacks' type.Instead of charges being generated one-at-a-time per charge-up attack and the effects only applying when consumed by a finishing move or normal attack:.Tiger strike now attacks with both weapons (requires dual claws).Tiger strike attack rating per level reduced from 20% to 10%.Tiger Strike now grants 20% increased splash radius on charge 2 and 40% on charge 3 (Splash increases by 1 breakpoint every 20%).Tiger Strike charge duration increased from 15 seconds to 1 minute.Tiger Strike level 1 base enhanced damage bonus reduced from 100% to 50%.Tiger Strike enhanced damage bonus increased from 20% damage per level to 25%.Tiger strike charge duration increased from 1 minute to 5 minutes (patch 6).Tiger strike attack rating per level increased from +10% to +15%.Martials arts attacks now maintain their third charge and allow you to use a finisher to cast all three stages at once.Animation reverted back to only using it’s main hand.

diablo 2 assassin cobra strike build

Grants +20% increased melee splash radius with 2 charges and +40% increased melee splash radius with 3 charges Can only be used with claw and dagger class weapons Description: Charge-up Skill - Consecutive hits add damage bonuses based on the amount of charges you have available and deplete on the third attack.

Diablo 2 assassin cobra strike build